Our Service


HR Consultancy and Employee Preparation for Overseas Deployment

At Goldenmid Evolution, we offer specialized HR consultancy and comprehensive employee preparation services for overseas career opportunities. We understand that relocating employees abroad can pose complex challenges for businesses, and that's where we come in, ensuring your employees are adequately prepared for this significant step in their careers.

Our Process:

  1. Assessment of Company Needs: We start with a thorough analysis of your company's needs, understanding your international expansion goals, required skill sets, and specific challenges related to employee deployment.

  2. Identification of Candidate Employees: We work closely with your HR team to identify employees who may be ideal candidates for overseas opportunities, considering their skills, experiences, and availability.

  3. Individual Employee Evaluation: We conduct in-depth assessments of the selected employees, understanding their technical skills, language proficiency, cultural adaptability, and other factors relevant to success overseas.

  4. Customized Training Planning: We develop a personalized training program for selected employees, which may include language courses, intercultural training, coaching sessions, and more, to ensure comprehensive preparation.

  5. Assistance in Managing the Deployment Process: We assist both employees and the company in managing all stages of the deployment process, providing guidance on practical, bureaucratic, and legal matters related to working abroad.

  6. Ongoing Post-Deployment Support: Our commitment doesn't end with deployment. We continue to support employees and the company even after settling abroad, ensuring a seamless transition and maximizing their contributions.

Contact Us

If your company is considering expanding its operations overseas and needs support in preparing your employees for this important step, contact us today to discuss how we can assist you.

Email: contact@goldenmindevolution.com
Phone: +39 (351) 787-9924